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Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

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Box Play
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Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Braces

Oaxie lovin' on sweet Anna

Chester helping Bin figure out the water hose

Miss Oaxie sweeping the side walk

We went to get Bin's new braces yesterday. We picked out camouflage braces but when you see them it is more like safari camo instead. I guess you would say safari camo, I don't really know.... but there is red in it. Anyways, I kind of like it and so does Bin. He is doing very good with them. Hopefully you can see them okay in the picture. We went to try and find some new shoes but could not find any cool ones in his size. We have limited resources around the Mineral Wells area, you know!:) By the way, thanks Miss Wendy for going with us yesterday. Mommy said that you probably won't do that again for a long while!!!!! She said that we worked you way to hard!

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