Welcome to our family!

Welcome to our family!
Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

Box Play

Box Play
Come on in!

Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 18, 2008

What's this Mommy?

I was getting Bin ready for his bath last night and he was rubbing his head where his shunt is. I have not really noticed him doing that before. He said, "Whats this Mommy?" over and over again. I told him it was his shunt and tickled him all the way down to his belly to show him where it went to. Of course he did not get it, but was still cute. He is also counting to 10! When I was cleaning the dishes he and Oaxie were sitting on the floor and he started counting the rails on the baby gait. Oaxie chimed in a few numbers as well. I have never heard him do that before. I count to them all the time but am not sure they pay attention to me...I guess they do. He even counted for Granddaddy over the phone. Pretty impressive.

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