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Jon and Tracy

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Bin the Builder
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Box Play
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center

Look at that tongue!!!

We went to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose this weekend. I think we chose the hottest day of the year to go, 107! Thankfully, we were in the car most of the time. We saw lots of animals that we have only seen in books and that was very exciting. You purchase a bag of food before the drive starts so you can throw feed out a long the road for all the animals. You are not supposed to feed any of them by hand, except for the giraffes. However, you know Daddy, not a very good rule follower. So, with his help we fed them and they were all very gentle. The drive lasted about 3 hours. Half way through, we stopped to eat and take a nature walk and see more animals. We were going to go the Dinosaur Park as well, but by the end of the afternoon we were all too tired for that. We will go back for that another time, hopefully when it cools off a bit.

1 comment:


That looks like sooo much fun!!! The kids look great!! Hope to see you soon!!! Ethan Rine