After 8 years of working night shift, I finally switched to days. Yesterday was my first day back since Bin's surgery three months ago. Jon and I decided that I would give it a try since the kiddos are a little older and I am just plum worn out working nights. I usually stay up all day with Bin and Oaxie and then go into work the night shift from 7PM to 7AM, then get home and stay up with them all day and finally get to sleep when Jon gets home from work. My body has been telling me that it is getting tired of doing that. I only work 2 days a week and it will be mostly on the weekends so Jon will have them then. I will be sad that I won't be home on weekends but it will be for the summer mostly, until they go back to school in the Fall.
I was sad that I missed Mothers day but Bin and Oaxie waited up for me when I got home. I had a pretty picture they colored for me and Photo Shop software so I can do really neat things with our pictures. I can't wait to figure out how to use it. Jon took a picture of them out at the deer lease yesterday while I was at work and had it waiting for me on the computer. It was really cute so I put it up for you to see! Of course the Coffee maker was my Mothers day gift to myself! I have been wanting one of these forever. It makes really great coffee and it looks pretty cool too!:)