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Bin the Builder
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Friday, May 8, 2009

For Linda- pics of Bin's scooter

I was having problems posting pictures of Bin's scooter on my e-mail so this post is for Linda.:)


Katja mit Fabian und Florian said...

Hi from Germany,

I found your blog by chance.

My son, Fabian, age 10, is wheelchair bound since he fell from a tree two years ago.

It was a very hard time for all of us after Fabians accident. The moment when the doctor told us, that Fabian is paralyzed and the moment when we must told him that he never walk again, was so terrible. Especially terrible was the day, when Fabian got his first wheelchair. I still cry when I saw him sitting in his wheelchair at the first time.

But Fabian is so brave! I am so proud of him.

Since his accident Fabian visits a school for special needs kids. All other kids in his class are disabled, too. The most kids must use a wheelchair, tree kids can walk with a walker / quad canes.

Every Saturday Fabian visits a sport group for children in wheelchairs. Two hours they play together in their wheelchairs. It is so funny for the kids.

Two month ago he got a new “Spidermann”-wheelchair.

If you are interest I will send you some photos of him in his new wheelchair.

I will be glad about a short answer mail.

Best wishes Katja

Fisher Family said...

I was reading the SB Parent listserve and was interested in getting directions or a material list to make that star car. Our daughter has a wheelchair but can't quite do transfers and a star car would be great for outside playing in the neighborhood. By the way, our daughter appears to be about the same age as Bin. She was born 3/28/06 and about an L3-L4. She seems to have good strength in her legs but her hips are really loose and it makes her wobbly which makes a walker difficult at the time. Any suggestions? Anyway, our blog is jonnyandmelissa.blogspot.com if you want to post directions/material list for the star car there.

Jonny Fisher

Michelle said...

Tracey, Bin's scooter is precious! Look at 'em go!