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Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No More Casts!!!

Our last sink bath the night before casts were
taken off!

Can't take my eyes off these strait feet!

I can make my toes touch now!!

I was not happy they made me use
the walker. I wanted to walk by

The casts are officially off! What a relief. Bin had some really stinky feet but I had to kiss them anyway. The surgery was a success. Bin's feet are in the correct position for the most part. His left foot which we had the most problem with still does point outward a little bit but not any where compared to before. His new braces have fish all over them and he has been showing them off to every person he sees! Bin has not been able to sit in the bath tub since the surgery and he was so happy to play in the tub last night. He and Oaxie took a bath for an hour. It has been a long 3 months and we are so happy that Bin is up walking (practically running) again!


Jen said...

Woo hoo!!! Bin's feet look great!

Kelly said...

Hooray! Enjoy those baths Bin :)

Cassie said...

Yea!! His feet look wonderful. I saw Bin and Oaxie in the Insights magazine! Wow they are celebrities now!

Michelle said...


Lyds said...


that's such great news, Tracy!!!!