Welcome to our family!

Welcome to our family!
Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

Box Play

Box Play
Come on in!

Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 10, 2009

Birthday Party

Birthday 2 - 4/4/08 (my most fav pic of Oaxie)

Went to Botanical Gardens for Birthday and
had pictures taken

Birthday 1 - 4/4/07

Birth - 4/4/06

Well, I am sooooo mad at myself. I accidentally erased all the pictures from the birthday party. Thankfully, Nana and Aunt Christie took a bunch so I will have to get copies of theirs! Still I am sad b/c I had some really sweet ones of Bin and Oaxie together!:(
The party turned out great. The weather was perfect. It was a little windy but not at all like the days before where the wind gusts were over 50 miles/hr! Instead of gifts we had all the guests bring items/gift certificates for the Ronald McDonald House in Ft Worth! We were so thankful to every one that came because we raised over $200.00 and received lots of supplies for the House as well! We were able to stay at the RMcD House when Bin & Oaxie were born. It was just around the corner from the hospital and b/c of the House we did not have to drive an hour home every day while they were in the NICU. We will always appreciate the care we received from the staff there while we waited to get to bring the babies home!
So, instead of b-day pics here are pictures from all their birthdays except from their party this past weekend. You can just look at the posts below to see them now!:)


Lyds said...

i LOVE that it's your fave pic of Oaxie! hahaha you crack me up ;) why was she sad? because i wasn't there? i know...

Michelle said...

Awww...look at them!
What a great idea you had for the money/items for The Ronald McDonald House.