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Jon and Tracy

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer time fun

Daddy bought us a pool a few weeks ago and we have been in it almost every day! This is what we do all morning and after nap time we go back in for another round! Mommy enjoys it too because she can lay out in the sun. She says that is one of her most favorite things to do but says we are never allowed to do that b/c our skin is too pretty and she does not want ours to look like hers some day! We make her put on lots of sunscreen though!:)


Lyds said...

haha! i love the double standard regarding the sun! um, they are super cute & having so much fun that it makes me want a pool too. do you think Anna would mind if i put one in our living room? ;)

Michelle said...

FUN IN THE SUN! I understand about the double standard! My kids have that hispanic blood in them, which I say I'm jealouse of their "born with a tan" look. BUT, they need to stay out of the sun or they get DAAARRK!!!