Welcome to our family!

Welcome to our family!
Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

Box Play

Box Play
Come on in!

Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4, 2009

I think this is one of the few 4th of July's that I have not had to work in a long time. We went to Jon's shop to watch them like usual but could not see from there. The city moved them this year so we had to load up quickly and drive into town so we would not miss them. Thankfully, we only missed the first few minutes.


Lyds said...

LOVE the pics! do i say that on every one of your posts? haha! how embarrassing. but i really do! nice one of the fireworks. and can you tell the city to let you know, next time, in advance? i mean, do they know who you are? geez...

Michelle said...

Tracy, you look great!