They are all mesmerized by Star Wars on TaTa
and Mikes new big screen TV!! Sadie, the sweet
puppy w/ all the kiddos was just hit by a car the day
before. Fractured pelvis and broken tail but she
loves to be around the kids so the pain did not keep
her from them!:)
Leanne, aka TaTa (Jon's mom), and I pose for
the camera since there are not very many pictures
of us. We are the ones usually taking them!
Jon and our sweet nephew, Elliott.
started on these things!!
Santa came to see us!
This is our Christmas finally finished around 2 AM!
Jon working on all of Oaxie's ZhuZhu stuff
And the mess begins!!
ever. I am still not for sure if this was a good idea!
the dog on a leash.
This was what he asked for from Santa!
Jon in his Scooby attire
Wow, it has been a fast and crazy few weeks getting ready for Christmas and we still have one more next weekend! Christmas Eve we went to Jon's parents. Santa even stopped by for a few seconds, which was pretty nice of him considering he had lots of presents to deliver still! The kids were totally excited about Santa and of course our video camera was accidentally switched to pause for the entire thing. I'm not naming names of who could have done that though!!! My camera battery died right after he started passing out gifts so I was only able to get a few pics of the excitement!
Afterwards, we had to get home and get kids to bed so we could finish putting all of their gifts together for Christmas morning! We finally got to bed after 2. At 3 Bin came into our room screaming that Santa had left Criss Cross Crash. He was totally beside himself and out of control. Finally, we got him settled down and he went back to sleep. Then about an hour later, he woke up and got sick all over the bed!! He did not feel good the rest of the day. He didn't even open most of his presents until I finally made him before I had to go into work. Yep, I had to leave all the excitement and go to work for the afternoon shift. Thanks to my sweet friend, Mary, she worked the morning so I could be with Jon and kids for a little while.
When I got home from work that night the house was in complete shambles. We were all so exhausted that we left it that way until the next morning. None of us got up until after 10 the day after Christmas. It was sooooo nice.