Welcome to our family!

Welcome to our family!
Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

Box Play

Box Play
Come on in!

Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Bin and his spoon

Oaxie and her spoon

Nana and Oaxie

Bin, Nana, Ma-Maw, Tracy and Oaxie

Mommy and Oaxie

Blake, Me and Grandaddy

Coach Fran and the Lone Star Showdown trophy

Oaxie and Bin in their new Aggie t-shirts

We went to Bryan for Thanksgiving to visit my parents. My Grandmother came down from Lubbock. She had fun playing with the babies. Oaxie has been sick for almost two weeks with an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. She has just started feeling better but I think Jon and I have it now. Friday we started to feel a little yucky. It is a miracle Bin doesn't have it. (Knock on wood!) I went with my parents and nephew to the A&M and Texas game. It was very cold. The Aggies won and I am glad I went but I think that is probably why I am sick now!

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