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Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

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Box Play
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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Crawfish Boil

Ollie and Oaxie waiting for breakfast

What big kids snacking at the table

Edward and Jon cooking craw fish


Edward busting a move

Late night snacking

Mommy had tooo much wine!!!

Uncle Edward and Aunt Ginny

Turn out the lights, the party's over!

Today was the annual craw fish boil. It was a very fun but very long day. Bin and Oaxie have definitely hit the terrible two's I think. But we are very glad we went down to the party. I ate craw fish for the first time. I don't think I have ever tried it all the times before. It was pretty good. Oaxie and Bin had fun playing with Ollie's toys. Oaxie's favorite was the toy kitchen and out door grill and Bin's was the swing. He was in it pretty much all the time. There was a kickball tournament, which the babies and I had to miss due to some serious melt-downs. Oh well, maybe next year. Edward wore his scary mullet hat/wig. It is amazing how real it looked on him. We hope he never wears it again!!!! Edward and Ginny asked everyone that came to the party to donate money to Scottish Rite. We appreciate that very much. I think there was close to $250. WOW.

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