Welcome to our family!

Welcome to our family!
Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

Box Play

Box Play
Come on in!

Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More Pictures

On our daily walk down to get the mail with
Granddaddy and Daddy

Anna and Abe love it here. They have 25 acres to roam and they are literally in "dog heaven". I only wish Amos was still with us. He would have been so happy here! Sweet Anna our golden retriever is so old. She is half deaf and blind and accidently got lost a few weeks ago. The neighbor boys went out on their motorcycles to look for her and found her in a pasture a few miles away just sitting there all by herself. Poor baby. She has not left the back yard since!

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