Welcome to our family!

Welcome to our family!
Jon and Tracy

Bin the Builder

Bin the Builder
Don't mess with my blocks buddy!

Box Play

Box Play
Come on in!

Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Walk-N-Roll 2011

Team Shirts. I designed this shirt and am proud
of the only creative moment I have ever had in
my life. This will probably be the only 'moment'
I ever have! I designed this with half of the
awareness ribbon being the spine. The heart
represents Bin's lesion so that's why his name
is in the middle of it. This is my official Spina
Bifida Awareness Ribbon.:)

Team Bin minus a few that were off in the rest
room and getting a bite to eat before the walk

Mommy and Oaxie patiently waiting to start
the Walk

Bin on the Go with his family & friends

Bin won 1st place for most money raised by an
individual and 2nd place for most money raised
by a team. Super appreciative of every one's help.

Fun times in the Lake

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bin and Oaxie are 5!!

Yummy Spider Man Icing!!

TaTa liked the icing too!!

New Boots!

Awesome new scooter! If you have non-carpet

floors, I highly recommend this! Adults can ride

it too.

One of the only things Oaxie asked for...

a toothbrush???

Could not wait til morning to fly new kites!

Bin and Oaxie's 5th birthday was last Monday but my computer was down so I could not post all the pictures until now. We did not do anything big this year like, go to Sea World (last years birthday adventure) or have a big party (3 year old party). We discussed what we were going to do for several weeks and never made a decision so guess what we did...absolutely nothing!:) My parents were in town to help watch the kids so Jon and I could go to my dear friend Mary's 60th birthday party and stay the night in Ft Worth. First time we have been away from the kids over night since they were 1. Thank you Mom & Dad for helping. As a matter of fact that is the first time Jon and I have been alone, on a date in over 2 years! Crazy, I know!!

So, back to their birthday. We ended up cooking out with all the Grandparents. We actually did not get their presents until the day of the party! I do insist others not to do the same because my mom and I ended up buying too much and spending more than we should have waiting until the last minute. Also got the cakes last minute too!:) Oaxie saw the horse cake the day before in the store and the little tiny spider man cake just happened to be on clearance so we got it too!:) Oaxie only asked for two things, a horse cake and a Sonicare toothbrush! I still don't know why a toothbrush of all things but there was no way I was spending 75.00 for it!! I found the electric iron man one instead, which she loves!! They totally enjoyed themselves but I do know that next year I am going to have to break down and have a party with friends. I overheard Oaxie in her room talking into her pretend phone saying, "Hey Jace, (her best buddy) today is my birthday and we are having a party. You want to come over?" Then and there I knew I had won "terrible mom of the year award" for not having a party with friends.:( Next year Bin and Oaxie, I promise I will do better! I love you guys infinity and beyond!!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Hot Rods First Game

Bin playing catcher

Atleast she was not picking the flowers like I
thought she would do in the outfield!

Jace (Oaxie's best friend), Bin and Oaxie

Today was our first Tee Ball Game. I am so disappointed in our camera! The image came out very bad but at least you can see Bin hit and run! We were so proud of our little Hot Rods! Bin and Oaxie both hit the ball and got on base. Oaxie made two scores and Bin made it to second base twice!! I put the video up of Bin b/c when I saw him hit the ball and run, my mind went back to when I was sitting in the doctors office, 18 weeks pregnant with Bin and Oaxie. She told me that "Baby A (Bin)" had Spina Bifida and more than likely would not ever walk! Of course there were many other things she told Jon and I that day but those were the words I heard in my mind today. Thank goodness I had my glasses on because I boo hoo'd. Most people who follow this blog have children with spina bifida or are our family and understand what we have gone through for the the first (almost) 5 years of Bin Boos little life. To see him actually running to base makes my heart leap for joy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Texas Snow 2011

I promise that is not a gang sign. Oaxie is trying
to spray her pretend spider webs!!!!

Taking a break to warm our clothes up, just to
go out again, and again and again!

Finally done for the day and ready to relax by
the fire.

Love this face!!!

I think Ruby loved the snow more than Oaxie
This was her first time to see snow. AND, no
that is not a deer frozen in the snow it is Jon's
practice target!

Yep...the snow finally arrived in Texas this week and burrrrrr it has been cold! School was called off Tuesday and Jon stayed home too. The snow was fun to play in but only for short periods of time. The wind was blowing so hard that it made it almost unbearable to stay out long! We cooked chili in the crock pot all day. Super yummy for dinner.
Today we woke up to no hot water! Jon went to the shop and brought home some super duty diesel heaters to warm up the attic so it would thaw out the frozen pipes. Worked perfect and the hot water is back on. I am just waiting for our electricity to start going out! It is happening all over the metroplex so I am sure it will make its way out to ten buck two where we are sooner or later! Stay warm everyone!:)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

The Annual Binford Family Christmas Pic

Bin trying out his new soccer goal. Check out
those skills!!:)

Oaxie and Rapunzel


Me and my baby girl

Don't even ask!!!

Out at the farm with Nana & Granddaddy

Doc was thinking Oaxie's bow looked very

Granddaddy teaching Oaxie how to use a whip.
Look out!!!

Oaxie and Old Red. Nana's favorite Mama

Granddaddy with his Bin and Oaxie

On New Years day we celebrated Christmas with the Binford Clan! It was well worth the wait. Bin and Oaxie were so excited to see that Santa had left just a few more presents at Nana and Granddaddy's house for them! Bin finally got Big Foot which he had been waiting for and Oaxie was surprised she had a rather large Rapunzel under the tree! However, we decided that we should have given her to the guys for Christmas. For some reason they all enjoyed brushing her long hair! :)

The new year started off with Bin's visit to the Neurologist. We have been concerned because he has been falling a little more than usual. We were hoping his new braces would correct that but so far they have not. The doctor says he does not believe it is tethered cord which we were the most worried about. He says it could be related to a shunt malfunction so Bin will be having a MRI to rule that out too, hopefully! Bin has his Spina Bifida clinic at Scottish Rite tomorrow so we can get some questions answered there also. We have not really wanted to bring up the 'wheel chair' conversation but we are getting to the point that it is an upcoming reality. Bin gets very tired after walking long distances and has been asking to be carried when we are in the store or walking around the pasture. He complains that his legs are tired. He will not need it all the time but for long distances he will. Keep us in your prayers as this is yet another learning and coping process that Spina Bifida brings into our lives.